The following teachings are given by Ven Geshe Dorji Damdul at various other places/institutes, such as-
- Sravasti Abbey, USA
- Choe Khor Sum Ling Centre, Bangalore, India (CKSL)
- Dharma Friends of Israel, Israel (DFI)
- Tibetan Buddhist Centre, Singapore, and others.

23.06.2016 In Praise of Dependent Origination Part I

24.06.2016 In Praise of Dependent Origination Part II

21.06.2016 Praise to the Ultimate Truth - Dharmadhatustava Part I

22.06.2016 Praise to the Ultimate Truth - Dharmadhatustava Part II

22.05.2016 - Ultimate Reality / Heart Sutra - Part 1

22.05.2016 - Ultimate Reality / Heart Sutra - Part 2

Q&A - What is Dualism in Buddhism?

Q&A - Conventional & Ultimate Domain

Q&A - What is the Māra of son of God?

Q&A - Could you comment on the Tibetan hierarchical system?

Q&A - Could you please comment on "Stream-Enterer (Śrotāpanna)"

Q&A - Is there an ignorance subtler than self-grasping?

Designing Daily Dharma Practice - Day 1, Part 1 - Geshe Dorji Damdul

Designing Daily Dharma Practice - Day 1, Part 2 - Geshe Dorji Damdul

Designing Daily Dharma Practice - Day 1, Part 3 - Geshe Dorji Damdul