The following teachings are given by Ven Geshe Dorji Damdul at various other places/institutes, such as-
- Sravasti Abbey, USA
- Choe Khor Sum Ling Centre, Bangalore, India (CKSL)
- Dharma Friends of Israel, Israel (DFI)
- Tibetan Buddhist Centre, Singapore, and others.

Nalanda - Rajgir, India - Venerable Geshe Dorji Damdul - Jan 22, 2016

25.12.2016 Guided Meditation On Emptiness

25.12.2016 Undertaking Of The Sacred Ceremony Of Aspirational Bodhisattva Vow

20.12.2016 The Practice of Six Perfections for a Happy life

19.12.2016 Healing Anger

18.12.2016 Discover the Nature of the Mind

18.12.2016 The Practical Meditation

17.12.2016 Secret of Success & Happiness

17.12.2016 Convergence & Divergence between Science & Nalanda Buddhist Philosophy

16.12.2016 Discover your true self

20.06.2016 An Introduction to Guided Meditation on Generating the 2 Types of Bodhicitta

23.05.2016 - Developing Bodhicitta - Part 1

24.05.2016 - Developing Bodhicitta - Part 2

21.05.2016 - The Four Seals of Dharma

Q&A - Misconceptions in Tantra